I broke all 5 jars and the journal updated with "We destroyed Withermoore's soul jar, freeing his soul". Place all the Soul Jars into your backpack. Earlier in the game, we did the soul jar room but we may have elected to smash Withermoores soul jar. What's up with this quest? You get 1400XP for completing it but it doesn't auto complete in the journal if you destroy the jar. WITHERMOORE'S SOUL JAR - Divinity Ofiginal Sin 2 quest / How to complete ? - YouTube In this video you will see How to complete the quest - Withermoore's Soul Jar. 4. If you tell him that you are alone, he will ask for your help. You can get down here as part of the Withermoore's Soul Jar quest. Ambar- On the broken bridge to the east of garrick's rescue sight at the abandon castle. The fake jar at (2) summons an Aeromancer, Pyromancer, Eagle-Eyed, and Cryomancer Guardian. The character that broke the Soul Jar must activate the pedestal in front of the Source Barrier in the building inside the Gargoyle Maze, the room past the three undead mages where you find a piece of Tyrant armor in a coffin. If you do the whole thing continues to be broken and the final journal entry will make zero sense. Walkthrough. . How does this become unlocked? Thanks. Firstly I pulled the spear from Withermoore and after I tried to find his soul and when I found his soul jar, I smashed. WIthermoore's soul jar (SPOILERS) I am at the point in the quest where it says there is a lever on the main floor of fort joy, but I cannot find it. A guide to each Soul Jar awaits you below: For the ease of reference, I will address each soul jar starting from the westmost jar closest to the stairs and then proceeding clockwise around the room. Method 1. 위더무어의 영혼 단지(Withermoore's Soul Jar) 퀘스트 공략 : 디비니티 오리지널 신 2. Killed him. Pigs Bless the pigs, after which one of the pigs will run near the entry way to where you find the dragon. Withermoore's Soul Jar is a Quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Withermoore's Soul Jar The Arena of Fort Joy The Imprisoned Elf (Can only be closed if you kill Saheila) Last edited by Deletee; Sep 17, 2017 @ 6:12pm < > Showing 1-15 of 23 comments . Withermoore's Soul Jar: Fort Joy: Pull the Spear of Bracchus Rex from Lord Withermoore's chest to begin (requires 12+ Strength) The Vault of Braccus Rex: Fort Joy: Read the Bloodstained Journal to begin. Discover the Forgotten Cell. Choice 1: Destroy the Jar. -Withermoore's Soul Jar. When you enter the door that says "Door to main floor" in fort joy, it actually lands you in the prison. 3DS FC: 3265-6137-5255. If you show the Band of Braccus Rex (found on The Vault of Braccus Rex quest) to the Gargoyle at the entrance, he will think you are Braccus Rex and teleport you to the tower, but you will miss out on lots. Grab the jar and bring it to Lord Withermoore. Just stayed under. Lord Withermoore is a Source Hunter who came to Fort Joy over 700 years ago to stop Braccus Rex. When you get inside the Ancient Passage, just follow the trail and turn left until you end up at the feet of the statue. SPOILER - Question about Withermoore. ) And that will complete (close) the quest. Withermoore's Soul Jar is a side-quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2 You can obtain it from Withermoore in the cavern Suggested level: 4 Summary ??? NPC Mody Withermoore Walkthrough Ancient Stone Hatch Talk to Mody in the caverns and play hide and seek. When you get inside the Ancient Passage, just follow the trail and turn left until you end up at the feet of the statue. The other soul jars are needed for two different quests I think. Lord Withermoore Location Video:Divinity 2 Original Sin Lord Withermoore's Soul Jar. Keep Calm and Carrion is a Quest in Divinity: Original Sin II. Major Slack's pro walkthrough of Divinity: Original Sin 2 with smart gameplay and informative commentary. The problem is not this, the problem is the quest is still open ːsteamsadː. Withermoore's Soul Jar - Quest I'm currently in the prison area, but it's telling me the first door (to even enter) is locked. If you saved Gareth outside the Decrepit Ruins then speak with him in Sanctuary of Amadia. 3) i destroyed myself 4 schriekers of 5 near alexander. When you leave the Fort, they close automatically, stating that you. Mody is a young boy inside the Caverns. 18. You can intimidate them and offer your help so they won't attack you. 3. It is easy to notice him as he is playing right by the cave entrance, After you start a. You will receive 4200XP and if you agree to break the soul jar, a level 6 rare item. Alternatively, you can attack the spear to free Withermoore. Hey guys i'm having problem here with this quest, i've already spoked with Withermoore and he told me to seek for his soul in a dungeon, more specifically the prision of Fort Joy, but i can't enter in the main room the door is locked and i dont know what to do now, there's something that i forgot or is just a bug ? Please someone help me =/Hi everybody. i can't unlock the door in the dungeon below fort joy because i can't find the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ key. 35K views 5 years ago. It applies permanent Slowed on the wearer until it is blessed. -Saheila's Signet. Fort Joy - Entrance to the Skull Cave. Absorbing a soul gives you 1. C. ago. I'm having the same issue with 'The Imprisoned Elf' - Amyro has. You will need a code to unlock the door inside it. Tyrant's Stride is inside of a statue in the area where you find Withermoore's soul jar. Talk to Gratiana in Sanctuary of Amadia, and learn her past connection with Braccus Rex. Withermoore's Soul Jar is a Quest in Divinity: Original Sin II. Chosokabe Wariamu Oct 2, 2017 @ 2:13pm. A list of Soul Jars that can be found on the map of Fort Joy. Withermoore Freed Remove (need enough strength) or destroy Spear of Braccus Rex sticking out from his chest and then talk to him. Instead of draining a source point to open the barrier, Withermore will appear and open it for you. This Uhuru March For Reparations video from Channel 5 was incredible, support them:BRAND NEW SECOND CHANNEL 🔥 - Consumed Lord Withermoore's soul instead of freeing him - Killed Verdas and the other female Lizard in the prison - Refused to help/heel the injured seekers at the Hidden Camp - Killed burning pigs instead of blessing them - Broke Gratiana's Soul jar in front of her - Kept the purging wand instead of giving it to Slane the dragon. The Godwoken learns about a way to craft a set of powerful set of Armour. It's possible to take the jars with you, once the dialogue option plays where it gives you the glimpse into the persons soul your options are: 1) absorb the soul for a source point 2) smash the jar or 3) take the jar with you. [Bug]Withermoore's Soul Jar #600025 14/02/17 07:52 AM. Greaves in the room where you pick up Lord Withermoores soul Jar, have a character with high wits (15+) look at the left Braccus statue. With spoilers, would someone else want to know. As soon as I get in the boat and leave the island they all get finished with a text suggesting that I didn't finished the task, even if I clearly did. Withermoore's soul jar is bugged? I've progressed quite a bit and am ready to finish up Act 1. There are 3 undead enemies later that will constantly respawn unless you destroy their soul jars. 3DS FC: 3265-6137-5255. 9. Map of quests and quest givers Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto The Collar The Imprisoned Elf The Teleporter The Murderous Gheist Withermoore's Soul Jar Finding Emmie The Voices Most Dangerous When Cornered The Burning Pig The Vault Of Braccus Rex The Voices The Armoury The Shriekers Sings Of Resistance The Purged Dragon. Lord Withermoore Location Video: • DIVINITY ORIGINAL. Turns. He in the end wanted to fight me for the jar (no suprise there, being eternally tormented and all) so insted of killing him again I attacked and broke the jar with made me level up and. Think the XP gain comes from destroying the jar, though; don't think you lose out on. There are 3 undead enemies later that will constantly respawn unless you destroy their soul jars. Has anyone ever completed Withermoore's soul jar quest? I'm on my 6th game right now, having many co-op games running with different people, but one thing has consistently bugged out every single time. . Trompdoy; Statue of Illusions ; Objectives. Interact with the statue to get the Tyrant's Stride (You will need 15 Wits to find the item when interacting with the statue), but don't equip it just. Speak with Mody. The Vault of Braccus Rex. When you use that lever, a hatch is revealed, which will also lead you to the dungeon. The boy will praise you on your perceptiveness and he will become invisible before the next turn. Oct 3, 2022 @ 4:05am @Sharpeshooter was just wondering the same thing lol - Withermoore's Soul Jar room for example has like 15 enemies with 50-80 magic res/armour and 200-300 hp. Submit Submit Close. From there you’ll have to fight your way. Lord Withermoore gives 200 XP if killed. While some are simply hidden in secret areas others. Then you must use all dialog lines. Withermoore tells you himself, that there's a secret hatch underneath the shrine in the town square. Still, when I leave Fort Joy, it says that we've left Withermoore without help. You will find the Ancient Passage at coordinates x:319 z:671, right where you complete the Withermoore’s Soul Jar quest. They can be found inside the Dark Cavern. The problem is not this, the problem is the quest is still open ːsteamsadː. Their location and a way of acquiring a soul can be found in descriptions of "Withermoore's Soul Jar" and "Vault of Braccus Rex" quests. Withermoore's Soul Jar is smashed freeing him, but in the journal the quest does not have the completed marker. Coactus OP. The Caverns are a mini ghetto for some of the non-human residents of Fort Joy and two human children. Griff is in the kitchen area of Fort Joy and so is Amyro (in the cage). And finally, I did the Arena quest and. E3 B Entrance to the Caverns. If you freed Withermoore in Withermoore's Soul Jar, he will help you lift the source barrier. Join. . How are you meant to figure out which jar in the room is Withermoore's soul jar? Was talking about it with some friends. Aramintai # 586036 17/09/16 12:39 AM. Kynsho •. . Otherwise, another option to use Source Magic on the relic will become available instead. Go the the door in the prison using the key. Through the hidden passage near the altar in the marketplace of Fort Joy during the Withermoore's Soul Jar quest. Withermoore shows up later on the island after you. Migo Windego (lvl 5) Skeletal Undeads (lvl 4) Related quests: Finding Emmie. It's still on my active quests. Mody will lead Sourcerers to a small natural entrance of the cavern if they manage to find him during the. RPG Division. This progresses the quest Withermoore's Soul Jar. . Jar 1 – Here Lies Withermoore the Noxious. Firstly I pulled the spear from Withermoore and after I tried to find his soul and when I found his soul jar, I smashed. Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments Sunshine Oct 2, 2017 @ 2:11pm You can pick the lock, or get the key from the houndmaster #1 Sunshine Oct 2, 2017 @ 2:12pm Or you know, bash bash bash #2 Withermoore's Soul Jar Quest Ridelwofr 5 years ago #1 Are there any in-game hints that tell you which is the correct soul jar? Every guide I've read just tells you the correct one but I'm. OP. Sep 18, 2017 @ 12:25pm You can come back to Fort Joy after leaving. After the fight you enter the vault, in which you find the Soul Jars - one of which hides the Trompdoy's soul. The switch will reveal a hatch that leads to the dungeons. #2. Join. Harmacist Sep 17, 2017 @ 1:35pm. Map of quests and quest givers Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto The Collar The Imprisoned Elf The Teleporter The Murderous Gheist Withermoore's Soul Jar Finding Emmie The Voices Most Dangerous When Cornered The Burning Pig The Vault Of Braccus Rex The Voices The Armoury The Shriekers Sings Of Resistance The Purged Dragon. Normal or bug? Not in the mood for cheese? That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert! Re: Withermoore's Soul Jar quest does not end? Morbo #612201 16/09/17. The Burning Pigs Objectives. The quest appears to require me to speak to Withermoore but his skeleton isn't pinned to the wall by the spear. Gratiana can recharges your purge wand to defeat the. Enjoy. 2. Entrance or exit. #1. If you use the soul jars, you will absorb the energy. Tips & Tricks. This quest is also associated with the quests A Fate Worse Than Death and The Vault of. 400 xp Kill Magister Goa and Magister Carin : 1. «Withermoore's Soul Jar»: it says on my journal, that I destroyed his soul jar and he is now free. The Arena of Fort Joy . Map of quests and quest givers Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto The Collar The Imprisoned Elf The Teleporter The Murderous Gheist Withermoore's Soul Jar Finding Emmie The Voices Most Dangerous When Cornered The Burning Pig The Vault Of Braccus Rex The Voices The Armoury The Shriekers Sings Of Resistance The Purged Dragon. Withermoore's Soul Jar (quest) The Gargoyle's Maze. · 2 yr. Though, I think all Magisters will be hostile at that point. In his corpse you will find Withermoore's Girdle (Belt). Map of quests and quest givers Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto The Collar The Imprisoned Elf The Teleporter The Murderous Gheist Withermoore's Soul Jar Finding Emmie The Voices Most Dangerous When Cornered The Burning Pig The Vault Of Braccus Rex The Voices The Armoury The Shriekers Sings Of Resistance The Purged Dragon. stranger. Old Flames - Spirit of Edie Engrym - wants her killer to say her name. Walkthrough. Jul 18, 2018 @ 8:53am small all of them in front of gratianas and give someone with the Jester/Mystic background the villain Tag so. Withermoore's Soul Jar Talents Opportunist Undead Core statistics Derived Statistics Resistances Combat skills Lord Withermoore is a former Source Hunter who is trapped on Fort Joy . When I returned to talk with Withermoore he had already died. 4. [#2-7: Withermoore's Soul Jar 퀘스트 공략] 디비니티 오리지널 신 2 팀왈도 한글 번역판(28%), Divinity original Sin 2. ; Walkthrough. . Just beyond the entrance of the Fort Joy Ghetto, there is an elf being bullied by some thugs. The Gargoyle's Maze Walkthrough - Divinity Original Sin 2. Lord Withermoore is the one of only known characters in the game that will remain dead after being killed without destroying their soul jar first. Inside you will find. If you interface with the switch to open it and -do not- have any source on that character, then Withermoore will show up and open the door for you (assuming you freed his soul and went back to loot his body afterward. Contributor. He told us of a secret switch hidden on shrine to the Divine in the main courtyard of Fort Joy. 1 Penny bun mushroom. Googling "Fanor" takes me to a site that I think is in French, so I assume we're dealing with a translation issue, but I'm thrown by the idea that "Withermoore" in English becomes Fanor in French. Through custody after removing the Collar during the quest named The Collar. Below the jars are plaques with the name of withermoore with different titles. breaking or consuming a soul jar will kill the NPC whose soul it contains. 1K. He has transformed into some kind of monster and attacks you after you speak with him. Kurtino Sep 17, 2017 @ 9:41am.